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安恒公司 / 产品信息 / OptiView 集成式网络分析仪继续获得媒体和客户的赞誉和奖项
OptiView 集成式网络分析仪继续获得媒体和客户的赞誉和奖项
2004-05-14    安恒公司市场部       阅读:

福禄克网络公司的 OptiView 集成式网络分析仪不断地精益求精,增加了新功能,继续获得媒体和客户的赞誉和奖项

Network Magazine:集成式OPTIVEW 连续三年获得该杂志的年度产品奖。

Communications News: UPS 利用网络监测的解决方案和他们的客户建立了紧密的数据联系,OptiView 集成式网络分析仪是他们信赖的工具。

InfoWorld:InfoWorld 高*分析员 Wayne Rash 和 InfoWorld 测试中心合作伙伴 Brian Chee 利用 OptiView 集成式网络分析仪对*台 DHCP 服务器上可疑的问题进行故障诊断,发现了“a nice case of the Slammer worm。” 

[Troubleshooting Tool]

OptiView 2.5 with WAN Vision
Fluke Networks

In some respects, Fluke Networks's OptiView Integrated Network Analyzer is turning into a platform rather than a product. This development is partly due to the product's architecture-half of the product is a tablet-size PC with a hard disk, a color touch-sensitive screen, a PC Card slot, and various other expansion options. (The other half is a high-speed I/O module, capable of performing cable tests, including, with the right options, tests of optical fiber media.)

Perhaps the most noteworthy extension of 2003 is the WAN Vision Option. This option basically incorporates access to the standard (and a couple of proprietary) MIBs for frame relay, ATM, ISDN, SONET, T1/E1, and T3 WAN links. Thus, OptiView's router interface can display a wealth of additional data about performance, congestion, and errors, and the tool can extend its range beyond the customer premises to evaluate link quality and performance.

Another interesting extension to the OptiView platform this year is the Wireless Network Analyzer. With Fluke's wireless interface in the PC Card slot, you can choose among Access Point Views, Spectrum Views, Conversation Views, and Wireless Site Survey Views. Access Point View displays the throughput, device configuration, protocol statistics, client links, and security settings for each access point. This view can also be used to detect rogue access points and even home in on access points. Spectrum View displays bandwidth utilization, signal strength, error transmissions, transmit rate, number of devices, and security settings for each channel. On a channel-by-channel basis, you can look at client and access point details and statistics. Conversation View presents details and statistics for individual connections between clients and access points, and is a valuable tool for troubleshooting client connectivity problems. The Wireless Site Survey View establishes a baseline of existing access points so that future rogue access points will stand out. Other baseline data from this view plays a role in the ongoing monitoring of performance and availability.

The good news for OptiView customers is that the product's platform-like architecture means that there's no upper limit to the troubleshooting jobs it can take on. All it takes is a software upgrade or a new add-on and it's ready for any new challenge. Incidentally, it can function as a cable tester, a protocol analyzer, or a stationary RMON probe, making it the world's most powerful and most extensible portable troubleshooting tool.


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